If you are struggling, I would like to share my success with you and let you know that peace will come to you eventually.
The sad part is feeling so happy yet having no one to really share it with, because most likely you were working alone to solve the issue and when you explain the whole thing it sounds so silly… like trying to explain how funny a joke you made was. “I guess you had to be there”.
And the opposite where it was something so stupid you’re embarrassed to tell anyone it took so long to solve. The 30hr ticket with a 1 line change.
😅 Mine ended up being only like 50 lines or so total. Complex, pervasive, data coupling with security concerns and my own ignorance were the primary drivers for the time taken on this one.
We have been doing some new pair work processes to expand group capabilities (and to train up some juniors) so I am happy to report that I got to share this with two whole people.
Next day: Find out the fix causes a new edge-case error, start all over again.
Oh yeah, I love edging.
I’m feeling edgy
That’s part of why it took so long. Every day I thought I was done a new person would be added to the review and they would identify a security and/or use case edge case.
Great. Now you can start working on the next problem.
Cool, where did you found the solution?
I opened the documentation
Documentation? 🤣😭
Obviously not talking about internal, but the obscure foss library some guy in Nebraska is maintaining
Oh boy. This comic brings back the horror of leftpad being removed from npm and how it felt like half the internet fell apart.
That was beautiful
On StackOverflow: “never mind, figured it out.”
Hey, I marked only one jira with “Works as intended” for only one of the big reports related to it, thank you very much.
God releases the update which makes the solution invalid:
New problem arises
Congrats on the … success? Sorry, I was headed in a different direction there for a sec.
I was headed in the wrong direction for weeks
I feel that way when I stressed about doing something for days and when I finally did it it took 20 minutes