That’s not too many.
Before it broke, I had 58 tabs open on my phone, currently I have only 19. Although on desktop I generally don’t cross 10.
But my aunt surpassed everything.
Her Chrome (Android) doesn’t even show a number anymore. It’s just “:D” -On Firefox Android after ~100 tabs the amount is replaced with ∞.
On mine it is permanently ∞.
Are you sure they’re not just under inactive tabs?
I know exactly where they all are. I just can’t ever get myself below 100 tabs LOL
Mine is like that lol
I guess if there were a way to turn off favicons -//-
How is that embarrassing? I have literally 639 tabs right now, across 39 windows. Just live your life as you see fit.
My god
I usually clear mine out when I get over 150 or so. My workflow absolutely doesn’t work on Chrome, but Firefox seems to handle it fine.
Probably because 10 out of 14 of them are porn lol
deleted by creator
Reposting a comment I wrote in another thread that explains it:
Bookmarks are for things I’ll need to reference again and again in the coming years. I do keep a tightly-curated bookmark collection, I just don’t want it clogged up with a bunch of stuff I can’t foresee needing in the long term.
Tabs are for things I’m working on right now and don’t need bookmarking for the long term. And, for what it’s worth, most of the browser windows are custom-titled, so the windows themselves are a lot like bookmark folders, while the tabs are like temporary bookmarks.
Plus, the ability to search through tabs by hitting Ctrl+Shift+A means that it ends up being faster to search through my tabs than my bookmarks, without using the mouse. ex: Ctrl+Shift+A, Type needed page, up/down arrows if needed, then hit enter to move to the tab. With Ctrl+Shift+O, you don’t get the same ease of scrolling the results without tabbing through a bunch of junk first.
There are other reasons, including neurological ones surely, but those are my primary justifications.
In Firefox Ctl+T opens a new tab, "% " will search your open tabs.
You caught me. I still daily drive Chrome. I am an on-again off-again Firefox user and have been for nearly 2 decades.
That said, I appreciate that input. I’ve been working on switching over to using Firefox as my daily driver, but it’s going to take some time for me to fully transition, unless you know of an extension or script that can migrate all my chrome tabs over to Firefox. I’m curious to see if it can handle my full browsing habits, now that they’ve evolved into what most would consider “tab hoarder” behavior.
No shame, we all do what we do. Keep doing what works for you.
I’m not sure if One Tab will work for you, but it’s worth a shot if you want to switch.
Typically FF will make background tabs sleep after a time, to reclaim resources.
How much memory does your computer have?
32gb. The browser is using about 11.2gb of ram at the moment, but I haven’t restarted the browser or the computer in about a week. After a browser restart it’s usually only using 5~6gb, though that steadily climbs as I reactivate hibernated tabs.
Reposting from a previous comment I’ve made about this topic:
Bookmarks are for things I’ll need to reference again and again in the coming years. I do keep a tightly-curated bookmark collection, I just don’t want it clogged up with a bunch of stuff I can’t foresee needing in the long term.
Tabs are for things I’m working on right now and don’t need bookmarking for the long term. And, for what it’s worth, most of the browser windows are custom-titled, so the windows themselves are a lot like bookmark folders, while the tabs are like temporary bookmarks.
Plus, the ability to search through tabs by hitting Ctrl+Shift+A means that it ends up being faster to search through my tabs than my bookmarks, without using the mouse. ex: Ctrl+Shift+A, Type needed page, up/down arrows if needed, then hit enter to move to the tab. With Ctrl+Shift+O, you don’t get the same ease of scrolling the results without tabbing through a bunch of junk first.
There are other reasons, including neurological ones surely, but those are my primary justifications.
Yeah, I see no issue with this. Im not gonna save seasons or bookmark entire window, Ill just leve it there, why not. RAM is there to be used.
Tree Style Tabs makes this much better. Horizontal tabs don’t really work for >10 tabs. Vertical tabs are the only way to live.
Tried it and was disappointed that it was an additional thing that doesn’t hide the default tab bar when enabled. Never ended up using it because of that, plus unreadable tabs is not a daily thing for me.
The trick is to use custom CSS to hide the default tab bar.
Or Firefox could add native support for both orientations, and tab grouping.
Try Sidebery instead.
OK neat I found the setting that allows hiding tabs (so it’s just groups again), better than nothing but I’m guessing I’d still need to use custom CSS to just… turn off the horizontal tab bar completely when using the tree menu?
You can try Floorp browser (based on firefox) it hides the default tab bar and looks similar to vivaldi browser.
Also it has tree style tabs built in, you just have to enable it.
“Close all tabs” and bookmarks are also your friends.
If they made bookmarks that would update as you navigate, yes. Until then, no, they’re not a substitute for tabs.
You mean history?
You’re almost there. Imagine a thing that was like a bookmark but also had its own individual history, and also kept track of where you currently are in that history.
Is their anything that implements this?
Yes, I think they’re calling them “tabs”.
My browser has tabs.
I think that’s what the history is for…
Not at all the same thing. For one, you can open a history entry and then navigate back from that to the page you came from to that page - which there may be several. Tabs preserve per-tab history which makes it superior in many ways to both history and bookmarks.
fair point but in practice, I don’t really see it being useful very often… You could write an extension to implement that feature so that tabs dont crowd your space…
I mean, do whatever works for you, but that sounds kinda unnecessary when you can just use an already existing feature - tabs.
I do use tab, but they are kind of a problem too… I usually have 20+ tabs opened and many of them I never revisit.
Yes, book burning is mental hygiene
specially on Android where I manage to open new tabs on accident
I find Edges grouped tabs well implemented, not sure why Firefox doesnt move this way natively?
As to 14 tabs, I’d have 50 or more
Firefox had tab grouping much earlier than most browsers, but they removed it because reasons…
Gotta check out Sidebery. It’s a big upgrade from TST
TST works better with STG, and that is a huge plus for me.
Sidebery provides this functionality as well. Don’t get me wrong. If you like TST and STG, then enjoy!
TST = Tree Style Tabs STG = Simple Tab Groups
Trees is sort of useful but vertical tabs and tree tabs take a lot more space and aren’t useful .
Those G’s are what you should be embarrassed about, not the amount of tabs. ◉‿◉
ik ;p
What is it?
How do YOU know what the G’s mean, boo?
Stare into the abyss long enough and the evil god of knowledge tells you things.
that’s a christmas tree from above, and no amount of tentacles will convince me otherwise.
That things got tentacles
What are the G’s? I’ve tried everything I can think of but I can’t find it
Its the G force, nothing to be embarrassed about. People have far worse kinks that are also real.
Tab hoarding is just poor man’s bookmarks.
Oh wait, you’re on Gelbooru. Nevermind, I get it.
Oh dear. I regret.
NSFW warning for anyone who doesn’t understand this comment.
For *booru users who curate and hoard great stuff, a great addon is Bazzacuda Image Saver Plus. Thank me later.
Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior Hydrus?
Nah, I’d let other professional channers talk about it.
One of my friends is the worse tab hoarder I’ve ever seen.
Dude even had a script on his PC to actively backup his tabs for the inevitable moment his browser or PC would crash
I know someone’s gonna say ‘doesn’t Firefox backup tabs automatically in the event of a crash anyway?’ and you’d be correct
But ONE TIME it didn’t and left my buddy distraught which is why he has multiple fail-safes now.
Dude even had a script on his PC to actively backup his tabs for the inevitable moment his browser or PC would crash
Hey, Simple Tab Groups do this for me!
I believe there is an add on called “Tab stash” or something like that on firefox. It stashes tabs so that the use can restore them later.
It’s been some time since I last used it. seeing your comment just reminded me of it. Thanks
That’s a lot. I sometimes get naughty and open 6
got really crazy and had like ten open yesterday 😬
I usually finish before I get to the end of the tabs, then I get sad because I probably won’t ever revisit those tabs. Maybe they would have been “the one?” Forever lost.
I’ve got 167 tabs right now, and more on my laptop.
I mean how can you keep them straight at that point?
An add-on like simple tab groups. Easy, effective.
Best add-on ever, and I combine it with TST to hoard more lol.
Y’all have terrible tab hygiene. I have 0 tabs 99% of the time, phone and desktop. Need something for later? Write it down. Once you’re past so many tabs, you’ll never look at it again.
It’s like people forgot there is a bookmark feature in most browsers.
Sometimes I open a suggested video on YouTube in a new tab to watch later. That tab sometimes stays for a few days. Every now and then I have to remind myself that there is a a “watch later” feature on YouTube lol
100’s of open tabs… And 100’s of bookmarks.
It’s like that for me on Android.
Searching and multi-selecting bookmarks is not available on fenix, so will have to open or organise them individually. Or will have to use sync and organise them on desktop.So, it’s a mix of tabs n bookmarks for me.
Have around 400+ tabs now, most are in the inactive section tho. Slowly working on them.
Many tabs would be less of a problem in Firefox if the tab handling was better.
I use Firefox on principle, but tbh, Chrome’s and esp. Vivaldi’s tab handling are miles ahead.
TabStash is the name of the extension that solved my tabs problems. Now I have hundreds of tabs “open”, but they are neatly organized (stashed).
Yeah, I know that extension. It’s great.
It just cannot compare to the power of Chrome’s/Edge’s tab stacking, tab grouping and group renaming, Vivaldi’s workspaces, saving tabs as sessions, tiling tabs etc. All out of the box.
sigh One day Firefox will catch up. I hope.
I couldn’t agree more. I use ff with tab stash at home and Edge at work. Tab groups and workspaces are miles ahead of anything ff has.
Sadly, this is such a massively lacking set of features that indeed it can slow productivity in some scenarios and encourage the use of the Chromium engine in one of its many iterations.
When productivity matters, Firefox is not the first choice.
And I say that with deep disappointment, as I don’t want it to be like that. I’ve tried many extensions, but they don’t fully cover all the bases that I and the people I work with would need to reach the same productivity as with the above mentioned browsers.
There’s light at the end of the tunnel.
Try Sideberry, tab grouping, renaming, dragging and dropping, snapshots, etc.
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it.
Unfortunately again: “Nice, but.” It’s a fantastic extension that does its best to make up for Firefox’s lack of tab handling. Hats off to the developer. Nevertheless, it is a far cry from what the competition has to offer. The others don’t need a space-consuming side panel. They can do all these things with the tabs themselves. Firefox can do almost nothing in comparison.
To each their own, I suppose. This has been my favorite tab management system I’ve used.
I haven’t used Vivaldi in years and only tried it for a short period at the time, but what features exactly are miles ahead or is it just the fact that Firefox requires a plugin to do some of what the competition has natively?
This is the features page for Vivaldi’s tabs. And it has two or three subpages that explain some features in more detail:
It also offers the sidebar on top of all the other features (although the FF plugins are a bit more powerful in the sidebars). It also lets you hide the tab bar completely, unlike FF where the sidepanel exists in addition to the the always visible tab bar… that’s the definition of redundancy.
As you say, to each his own. Unfortunately, I am just that little bit less productive when using FF.
Edit: minor edits for clarity
Is it an upgrade over TST ?
I can’t speak to that 100% but I do remember trying both (albeit briefly) and ultimately settling on Sidebery. Looking at the addons page, TST dev actually mentions Sidebery and a few others in their Developer Comments.
*Edit: It seems to imply that Sidebery is a tree addon with extra features. The most notable of which that sold me was the snapshots. I kept losing all my (~200) tabs if I closed Firefox improperly on my Macbook which was not fun.
Let’s agree to disagree, then. Tab Stashing offers more than I will ever do with my tabs. And it’s always improving.
'Don’t know about tabs alone but I regularly have 20-30 windows open. Many of those have more than 3 tabs. Firefox starts to get a little slow beyond that count on my machine.
I wonder why
Sidebery And userchrome.css to hide the default tab bar
Few feelings are more freeing than closing basically all of them down. Usually I don’t even miss them, essentially all upside.
No shame in that. My phone’s at 305 tabs. I’ll look random things up throughout the day and sometimes I’ll find a longer article that I’d like to read later. But I hate reading on my phone. So it just hangs out until my next tab purge, which is perhaps a yearly event.