Although, it may be a “premium” feature, so it’s (still) a bad idea.
That’s gonna be my version of old people saying “I don’t do computers” now. There’s no goddamn way I’m putting a chip in my brain.
It’s wild that 15 years ago I’d sign up in a heartbeat, the entire world order would have to change dramatically for me to go for it today
I would only if it wass FOSS and self hosted. NO FUCKING WAY IM INSTALLING A MICROAOFT CHIP IN MY HEAD.
What about a Muskachip?
You don’t want your cherished memories (and darkest secrets) being automatically uploaded to facebook? What’s wrong with you?
Wish granted, the chip erases your memories of games you’ve played every single time you sleep, along with all your other memories.
“Don’t worry about the sun, it’s meant to be there.”
You dont need a chip for that
This isn’t monkeypaw
Nice try Spez-boy.
Wish granted. It’s a neuralink and has like 30 back doors. Your memories have all been replaced by caramelldansen and your visual cortex has been ransomwared.
Understood, but there are other memories I’d much rather erase, not necessarily with the intent of reliving them for the first time.
That is very Eternal Sunshine of you…
Use the implant to watch Eternal Sunshine again and again without spoilers.
That movie would have been a lot less interesting, I feel.
Haha, probably. Unless you are this guy:
A futuristic brain implant sounds cool until you think about all the downsides
A futuristic brain implant won’t allow you to think of the downsides, so don’t worry about that.
If such a technology existed, the government and shady companies would do all sorts of awful things with it.
- FBI makes political opponent sign a contract to never ever eat cereals anymore.
- FBI uses chip to erase political opponent’s memory of signing the contract.
- Next morning, political opponent chomp chomps.
- Afternoon, straight to jail!
Or let’s say there’s a political/economic disaster caused by the greed and stupidity of…
What disaster? Things have always been like this and our king is a great man. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, or you’ll find yourself in the gulag in no time.
Not just terrifying. This is straight up nightmare fuel.
What could go wrong? Well just watch Black mirror
You could be more efficient and implement the memory of having watched it.
“I know Kung-fu”
Thank you everyone for buying our chip. We have now changed everyone to ad tier subscription.
Thank you for understanding.
Just give it time. After long enough, each game becomes new again!
This is the only right answer.
Who dropped all this monkey paw in the shower?
I just want to be in a post capitalism society with incredible AI that I could ask to continue a game I’d played before with a twist.
Give me pokemon red in 3d, but make more puzzles and more pokemon and the npcs more interactive. That kinda thing
Why not just buy a new game? There are so many out there.
I’m broke
But you have money for this chip?
Nah, maybe I’ll present myself as a test subject so that it’s ME who gets paid for fucking my brain.
You probably already did this and they took all your money and then wiped your memory of doing it and of having money and that’s why you’re broke in the first place
Maybe, or maybe I’m just a latin american living the latin american ✨experience✨
There’s many games out there, but only one Outer Wilds.
Sometimes games cause such a strong emotional reaction for me that I genuinely cannot recreate the same feeling. Same with books and movies. I end up feeling nostalgic for when I first discovered it.
Sure a new game might be really good and immersive in a similar way, but it’ll never be the same, y’know?
Other harmful side-effects aside, how much a game impacted you is significantly affected by the context of your life. Experiencing the same game at a different time in your life might not be as meaningful.
You’re absolutely right about that.
Huh, and I worry about forgetting the great memories of the games I played. The duality of man