VSCodium > VSCode
It is, but the lack of official Microsoft extensions makes life a little harder
You can change the extension repository to the official one.
I don’t need it tho, I only need Pyright, Python and the catppuccin theme
Some MS addons still don’t work if you do that, last time I tried
That’s weird, AFAIk VSCodium only strips telemetry and changes branding. It shouldn’t actively break addon.
Unless they check if they’re running inside of the actual MS VSCode, which could explain why they aren’t working
IIRC VSCode contains some proprietary, closed source binaries and VSCodium does not. So maybe the MS addons need those binaries
You can get e.g. pylance to work if you trick it:
So, at least in that instance, it’s just Microsoft being a little petty.
The most unfortunate of which for me is remote development. So convenient, nothing compares :(
sigma vim user
Omega neovim user
gigachad ed user
Ed is king. Every single time I have to work on a severely resource constrained system I always use Ed.
That’s literally never happened to me but that won’t stop me from saying it.
I mean, I don’t know how severly resource constrained a system has to be to not even be able to run vi.
You haven’t seen my grandma’s pc
No, but I have seen my grandma’s pc
I once used Linux on an actual honest-to-God teletype.
Granted, it was set up as a novelty and the thing it was hooked up to was a Pi 4, but still.
enlightened echo user
Except I’m too dumb to use even the neovim plugin manager let alone configure the thing. I have to copy existing configs like a noob :(
Isn’t copying from others how everyone does (neo)vim? Besides, I’m even “worse” and just use lazyvim.
My serial killer trait is that I use vi instead of vim cause I’m too lazy to type the extra character. Tho if for some reason, vi tab completed to vim, I’d probably use vim
alias v=vim. There, just saved you two keystrokes.
} = 2 {vim
} = 3 {v=vim
} = 5I’d need to run vi at least 5 times to have a net gain in saving keystrokes. I’m typically in effemerial systems created by the users of our env, so rarely am I going to gain those strokes back
But also, why am I trying to apply logic to this? I’ll often cat a file before editing it. This shit is just illogical idiosyncrasies I’ve picked up over the years. I’m probably creating posthoc justifications for insane things I do cause it’s hard to override muscle memory
effemerial is new to me
Here’s a link I found that might be good if you are interested in more:
There are different levels of effemeriality. The simplest example I use daily would be an autoscaling group in AWS. Especially if you use Spot Instances to save money, thi gs may scale in and out whenever.
So if a development team creates a new autoscaling group and I need to get into an instance to test something, unless I add stuff to their IaC, I’m stuck with their configuration. I need to assume that every time I ssh into one of those instances, it’s a brand new instance. But it’d be a big challenge for me to go to their repo and make a PR to alias a command whenever an instance in that resource is created
Stuff can be even more temporary if it’s something like an ECS task which creates a container with a read only filesystem only when a task is needed to be done. But I don’t want to get too deep in the weeds (or deeper than I already have)
terraform workspace will at least stick around for a while so you might be in and out of the same system multiple times.
He’s commenting on your misspelling. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ephemeral
Shit… I’m an idiot
Nah it’s fine
I use nano.
Nano >> vi/vim, emacs
4 letters < 2 letters.
vi forever.
Simplicity > Complexity
Not if you need any work done.
That’s when you switch to a IDE.
Neovim and emacs are IDEs.
Yes, if you can remember the shortcuts…
By default they are not, but you can turn them into IDEs. In fact, you can turn them into better IDEs than stuff like IntelliJ or Visual Studio will ever be.
Nano is the best when you just need an editor, you can as well use an IDE instead of vi(m) or Emacs.
Ok but why use nano when micro literally exists
Aliases are just bloat! You can do just fine without them. Heck, why not remove the ASCII conversion and read everything in hex or binary?
It’s all about SPEED and efficiency here!
I’m in DevOps so I’m in a lot of effemerial systems so in practice, I will run into systems where profile hasn’t been set up. Tho I do like the idea of making sure all systems properly have that aliased cause it’d be serial killer vibes to spend hours of time to make sure that I can save a keystroke.
Tho it’d never make it through PR. Also, wild require explaining to my coworkers that I do this
Most all distros alias
already, so it makes no difference.You use vi because you are lazy.
I used vi because I am too stupid to close it.
We are not the same.
I’ll have to check tomarrow if RHEL and UBI do this.
Did some quick googling and looks like cent has that alias by default but doesn’t do it when root. Which would explain why I do get inconsistent results with vi. I never thought about it in detail besides just knowing that there are some visual changes. Thanks for the info, I’ll be noticing this now that I know!
Vi is totally fine to quickly make small changes to e.g. a config file on a server. I wouldn’t like to program in vi though.
I do most of my programming in vscode but when I need a cli editor, I use vi
Meanwhile webstorm/intelliJ users:
signature look of superiority
empty wallet
I bought a license for intellij and it was my favorite until someone showed me vscode. So much quicker performance even with tons of plugins. Nano for config edits bc I hate vi/m and emacs. Multi-cursors are my favorite. Someone showed me how a multi-cursor package in emacs works and that just reinforced to me how much I don’t like emacs.
Nope 😉
Plus their Java and Python IDEs have free community versions as well.
Codium you dorks
Emacs sucks. Vim is so much better. And vscode is okay.
Go ahead. Down vote me. I don’t care. This isn’t Reddit lol.
Vim is a pain to configure
Try Lunarvim, it’s neovim with a bunch of great Plugins and configuration settings out of the box.
Vim has vim9 script now which is very similar to common scripting languages like Typescript.
Vim also doesn’t need tons of configuration.
I’m going to give what I’ve realized newer folks to Vim think is a scorching hot take: VimL is nice. Theyre the same editor commands you use in your day to day life, even if you’re using NeoVim + Lua, just all written out in a file.
That said, using NeoVim + Lua makes it far easier to organize your config, which also makes it easier to write more complex configs. It’s like the difference between building a shed around back for your home office vs building a cathedral. Its fine to work in a shed, but once you know you can build a cathedral, you’re kinda tempted to just up and do it
At first maybe. But when you get your vim config well honed over time you’re good. Plus there’s things like pathogen or other frameworks to add plugins and stuff.
Vim sucks, Emacs is the best editor in the world
Nuh uh!!! Vim is better! So much better!!! Emacs sucks balls!
I use vscode with vim key bindings. It’s amazing!
You haven’t switched to cursor yet?
I use both emacs and vim, each have their own use cases
This isn’t Reddit lol.
Genuinely curious what you think the difference is
stock emacs sucks, doom emacs ftw
VS code is pretty amazing though
I generally code in VSCode, and manage org-roam notes and information in Emacs. Works well enough for me.
Any particular reason why you don’t code in Emacs? Since you already set up Org Mode and Org Roam, I’m sure you know how the configuration works and how to write some Elisp. It’s actually not that much work to set up all the things you would need for programming (lsp-mode, etc.)
I guess I just preferred VSCode for coding? Every time I’ve tried to use Emacs for my coding workflows I’ve given up, I think I’m just used to VSCode in that respect. It is weird, I know.
You guys recommend VSCodium over VSCode. Is there a working sync solution similar to the one built into VSCode where you can sync all settings and extensions between machines?
Yes! It’s this one https://open-vsx.org/extension/zokugun/sync-settings I really like it for using a normal repository over a “gist” and so you can also use any git server provider, I think the developer is also a contributor of VSCodium itself
sigh emacs-er here, yes you can do anything you want in emacs, but the defaults can be confusing for newbies and CUA
CUIusers (vscode, jetbrains, etc). That said, like vim users, I feel handicapped when using something like vscode. Once you move towards vim or better yet meow/kakoune editing modes, you will never want to use anything else, because everything else is soooo slow when navigating, inspecting, and editing code/text. With tree-sitter and lsp support now built-in, there really isn’t anything vscode offers over emacs anymore 😅edit: sorry, meant CUA (Common User Access)
I genuinely think it’s funny that in a post that isn’t making fun of Emacs you felt the need to defend Emacs.
It’s making fun of Emacs users for always finding ways to talk about Emacs. (Which I don’t think is a real problem anymore)
I couldn’t help myself xD, i think its just part of being an emacs-er :D
I use vscode with vim plugin. I find this to be a pretty great combo, for me at least
VS Code + vim plugin is sooo slooow. I’m happy it works for you but I can’t wait to finish on boarding my onboarding buddy so I can go back to vim where I belong
I do too… but it’s not perfect. If you use the extension that uses neovim in the background is seems is the best option but still I miss my “never needing a mouse” feeling I had on emacs. I mean maybe is just lack of knowing keybindings… but back on the day when I used spacemacs it was all so intuitive.
I also miss magit…
What does CUI mean?
sorry, meant CUA (Common User Access). Its type of editor that uses the ctrl+c / ctrl+v / ctrl+x for things like copy / paste / cut, etc. Most popular editors use this type of editing mode. Its also known as a non-modal editor.
What’s a plugin? What’s VSCode?
DBase IV does not need any of this.