Theres a scrub mommy?! I thought it was just scrub daddy
Yes, the difference is that instead of it being firm or soft depending on if you use cold or hot water (respectively), it has a firm side and a soft side that remains that way regardless of water temperature.
At least, that’s my understanding, I’ve never tried a scrub mommy
The hard side changes depending on temperature the same way as the original. It just has a sponge stuck to it. They’re decent, as far as sponges go.
Source: I use them daily
Gotcha, good to know!
The mommy has a sponge side.
Realistically, I prefer having a scrub daddy and a separate sponge. Cuz the scrub daddy’s plastic mesh lasts a long time and doesn’t trap food particles, but sponges trap food and get gross really quickly. I’ve found that I end up replacing a scrub mommy way more often than a scrub daddy, simply because the sponge side is gross. It feels wasteful, when I could simply have a separate sponge that I replace as needed.
Wait, there’s a Scrub Mommy?
Yep, it’s got the normal scrub daddy scrubbing material on one side and a sponge on the other. Pretty good
And a bow
tie.If it’s on the head it’s a bow.
if it’s on the neck it’s a bow tie.
Wait I thought all their products have two different materials? Here only ScrubMommys are available.
ScrubDaddy was the original one, and was just the scrubby material. This is blowing my mind that not only there is a ScrubMommy, but in some areas it’s more common than the ScrubDaddy!
It’s called the scrub mommy because it has a soft side :)
(I didn’t make that up, thats their advertising).
Also it does 2x the work for less money than the scrub daddy costs. I didn’t make that up either, but it’s true, they’re cheaper, and that’s very funny.
The wage gap is real!?
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Pretty sure the Scrub Daddy came first! It gained huge notoriety for being on Shark Tank, as one of if not the most successful Shark tank product in history, and it’s now in every Walmart and Dollar store in the country.
So the meme treats the derivative like it’s the original, which I suppose is true to form as an indicator of how people lose track of ideas as they get constantly recirculated.
Yeah, this meme is dumb because Scrub Daddy was the original product.
I’ve got a Scrub Daddy, but I’ve also got a Dish Daddy who comes with a wand and vomits soap out of his mouth.
I’m a sponge, Morty!
Dish daddy … has seen some things
I’ve seen scrub/dish daddies and did not know the mommy existed
Some sponges reproduce asexually. Others are hermaphrodites.
Scrub Mommy either has lots of little Scrub Daughters or Scrub Mommy is also Scrub Daddy and is “special friends” with another Scrub Mommy/Daddy.
You mean this
Please let that poor soul rest, my god
Kitten got to him, poor fellow.
I feel like you’re the kind of person who would go buy a scrub daddy and put it in the freezer just so you could take it out and say “scrub daddy chill” even if nobody else hears it.
This is where I am going to get on my soap box (pun intended) and castigate the entire Scrub family.
When snaking my shower drain, I get to go pretty dang far down to remove a clog. I was easily to the point point where my kitchen sink joined the drain line. Among the last things I pulled out were several Scrub Daddy chunks of good size. Can I be sure that these caused the clog? No. Am I sure these could screw up my septic pump or cause clogs even further down? Absolutely.
The chunks these sponges shed can wreck havoc on your drain system. It’s not worth it for a tool that cleans no better than a dish rag and a stiff bristle brush. Those actually clean better, last longer, and are more environmentally friendly.
I want to love Scrub Daddy. I just cannot afford the aggravation and potential cost they bring with them as they break down.
Were you scrubbing an mfin cheese grater with it? I have not had this problem
No, this was just from general wear over time. It would be less bad if we threw it away at the first sign of wear, but that felt wasteful. Why ditch a sponge with a little wear on one side when the rest remains fine? Now we know.
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I have a double basin sink with a strainer in each drain. I actually have two types of strainers depending on if I want to be able to plug the sink or not. Sometimes, things get by because it’s not like a strainer always stays 100% perfectly in place.
Case closed
Can someone explain to me why these sponges are so popular?
Scrub daddy is good because it lasts much longer than the standard sponge, and you put it in the dishwasher and it keeps going. Scrub mommy is the opposite IMO. It’s significantly more expensive than standard sponges while offering nothing different.
So you would say that you’re a daddy’s boy?
Idk, they’re terrible. My guess is because they’re cute or whatever. My wife (who never cleans for shit and doesn’t see why they suck) seems to buy them for that reason. I’ll use em til I can’t take it anymore, and get a proper pack of sponges n throw em out.
They’re decent sponges that last a long time and don’t get smelly very easily, and they’re also cute.
In my experience they’re a bit lacking in abrasive power though.
my mom likes scrub daddies because they don’t hold onto moisture in the long term. regular sponges can get gross real quick but these dry out nice
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Will you be mad if I use both? I like using my hand for cleaning so I can really feel the surface while I do it
I hate sponges but the daddy is nice cuz I just put it in the dish when Im done and it doesn’t seem to pick up a smell, also way more durable and allows you to scrub harder than a lot of brushes I’ve used
I promise I’m not saying this to be daddy’s escort lol
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Normally I wouldn’t accuse a company of guerilla marketing on a platform as small as Lemmy but that has to be the case here. Has anyone here ever held one of these? It’s the perfect shape for not being able to actually scrub stuff. It’s so uncomfortable to hold. Just use a normal sponge, or a dishwasher if it’s available. They use less water anyway.
Hey, if we don’t make micro plastic in our kitchen sinks to wash down the drain, who will?
There is! There’s also Sad Daddy
Christ on a bike these things are shit
The scrubber softens with warm water and gets harder with cold water
Warmer water is good for softening oils, but once you start getting mixed food stains, hot water can cause it to congeal and become harder to remove. If you need to scrub harder to remove it, it’s probably something that won’t benefit from using hotter water. Remember this if you ever have to wash “mucous” out of your hair.
Nah, it’s actually pretty dope. Scrub daddy, scrub mommy, and the scrub wand — I’m all in, baby.
Legit, the scrub daddy franchise is a lesson in great “KISS” product design.
I think they’re more a lesson in marketing than anything else. The scrubs themselves fall apart, clog drains, and contribute to the proliferation of microplastics.
There’s scrubby doggy too
There is only shrub daddy!I think the daddy you are referring to is just called Mr Bob Squarepants.
What do you mean? I was kicking your dad’s ass online last night.