Friend makes a company named say “Morgan defence ltd” and you sing an NDA with your friend not to talk about your 2 year beer holiday on the beach.
Company checks our your story. Friend’s company looks like a typical defence industry shell company with no history of anything.
You can skip that and say I was defense consultant with an NDA and cannot disclose which organisation I worked for
“But you are an English major”
“Please stop asking questions, for both your safety and mine”
“Yes, I had to correspond with other engineers and English was used in all communications.”
It was in fact the major form of communication!
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I cannot confirm nor deny my rank
I wrote copy for marketing collateral and technical copy for manuals.
“And you’re trying to get a job at an arby’s?”
Fraud (y)
It’s not fraud. Singing is normal.
How is it fraud? No lies are told, not even implied. It would just be the company making assumptions.
Wait is his chest censored
I’m also noticing a disappointing lack of giant blue dong
I don’t swing that way but it’s truly unfortunate 😔
He’s just not whole without the blue kielbasa.
…like Kool aid with no sugar, ham with no burger!
If you’ve seen the film, it will do all the swinging for you.
Something was clearly wrong with this picture.
No. Just rendered by a PS1
Makes sense
It kinda looks like there was text someone removed
Can’t have those man nipples.
Did….did you censor dr manhattans male presenting nipples?
Is he even male anymore? I thought that was more like a dead sex to him since he was AMAB but is now a god.
Biologically and functionally speaking, he’s whatever and everything. Practically speaking, he chooses to have a dick and look like a big muscular man that looks nothing like his previous form (so its even more deliberate), so it seems the only thing that survived his ascention was his gender identity.
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Someone never read the comic book
I was working at K-mart as a regional manager making 80k a year. Good luck verifying that.
I was a senior project manager at Twitter
What’s a Twitter grandpa?
Nice counter…
Now get off my lawn!
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You’re a strange man Marx, but you steam a good ham
Shouldn’t his answer be “Yes. I signed an NDA.”?
Yes, no, I don’t know. Could you repeat the question?
Would you please be the boss of me now?
Life is unfair.
And you’re not so big
Only if we’re playing FinDom.
I thought it was “you’re not the boss of me now”.
Sure, but we’re in a job interview, right?
Also, shouldn’t they mention that in the resume?
Rule # 1 of signing an NDA: you’re not allowed to say that you signed an NDA.
Even if you don’t mention who you signed it with? There’s quite a bit difference between saying “I’ve signed NDA” and “I’ve signed NDA with company (name)”
I mean, who else other than your last employer would it be with?
Breaking the agreement does not always mean you will get in trouble for it. This is the one rule that can be risked breaking without facing repercussions.
Breaking it in any way means you will likely have to pay back any money they gave you immediately.
Personally, I would consider that to be a repercussion.
I didn’t say there are no repercussions. I said it is a safe bet on a risk that many individuals are willing to make.
I mean, you can break any rule, law or agreement without facing repercussions, if you don’t get caught.
I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?
I’m glad we both came to an agreement 🤝
Actual Rule #1 of signing an NDA: unless you work on Defense, NDAs are virtually unenforceable
This is really fucking terrible advice.
Where, US?
I just tell them I was in and out of rehab.
Power move
Isn’t it normally part of an NDA to not being able to admit you signed one.
Not normally, that wouldn’t make much sense. It’s easier to just say you signed an NDA and anyone with sense knows you’re not allowed to talk about the work.
It’s about Disclosure not Admittance. That would be a NAA.
When asked your say: NAA…
Unless you’re Bruce Wayne, in which case when asked you might say NA NA-NA NA-NA NA-NA NA…
I’ll see myself out.
“Yes, but then I’ll have to kill you”
Funny but, just bad advice. Employers will just with someone who has no NDA.
Employers will just with someone?!? Is there anything that can the situation?
Sorry, I meant they will just hire some else than deal with anyone saying they have an NDA.