Discovery is full of shows all about people looking for things but not discovering them.
Last time I watched anything like that, probably on netflix, they where looking for pirate gold and actually found it … buried in a military munitions burial area they couldn’t reasonably or legally excavate.
The cowards
Yea what pussies.
Manchurian gold?
Pirate Gold of Adak Island probably worth a watch even though I spoiled the ending
no need to finish that then
It is frustrating. I still haven’t found that damn Grail yet.
One does have to know the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow.
European or African?
Homestead Rescue is cool. That’s about it.
If you think of Discovery like how Christopher Columbus “discovered” America, it does seem fitting. A bunch of bullshit that later lead to genocide and scorched earth. This seems fitting for what they’ve done to HBO and all the other IP they’ve gobbled up and destroyed.
No truth on truth social
Funny, but true
The USA FREEDOM Act violates US citizens freedoms and civil liberties.
The “democratic” republic of NK has never been democratic.
Fox News had the motto “Fair and Balanced” for like 20 years, despite being a conservative state propaganda machine.
Turns out you can just lie without consequences!
That’s why they had to call it that.
Also antisocial behavior!
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Capitalism at its best
capiTALiSm bREeDS INnOvATIon
And it worked before streaming came around. Now cable subscriptions are in free fall and they don’t know what to do.
PBS is the only television worth a damn. Incidentally, it is replete with history, documentaries, non-editorial news, music, and science.
Their YouTube channels are also top notch. Spacetime, Storied, Eons, Terra, Origins, Be Smart… all gold.
Man I love Spacetime and Eons. I have watched almost all of spacetime. I wish there were a spacetime hardcore where they threw as much math at me as possible. Awesome channels
That’s why they want to get rid of it
Shout-out the PBS passport. $5 a month and I get all the antiques roadshow I can handle.
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It’s the tv version of NPR
There’s no foxes on Fox News either.
Nor news
Yeah, because they own the rights to the name. If only I ran Fox News… damn them.
Today on Fox News
This one is taking a nap in the snow. Was it a good nap? Did they have nice dreams? We’ll investigate!
Reminds of an observation my dad made once about how neighborhoods are named after what had to cleared away to build there. Oakwoods. Rolling hills. Pleasent view. Etc etc
Don’t forget Animal Planet, which hosts shows about tree houses and mermaids now.
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History channel has Forged in Fire where, for about 30 seconds per episode, they give a quick lesson about the historic weapon the contestants will make.
But yeah, TV is bullshit. Fuck commercials.
I always appreciated that in shows like Pawn Stars and American Pickers, yeah the main point is entertainment, but they actually made an effort to explain the objects and history around them.
Kinda wish they didn’t need to fake the premise of the show so hard to do the history lesson though.
Really we just need more antiques roadshow.
Cable is dying and they will do whatever it takes to keep it afloat until the last second
I can’t remember the last time I had a cable subscription. It’s been a while.
The last time I had cable was the year of 9/11. And that was only because I plugged in a stray cable on a whim and found that my upstairs apartment tapped into the the cable from the downstairs apartment.
Honestly, with internet, I never saw the point. And internet only cost $10-25/mo back then. Ofc, by about 2012 or so they became wise to that being the trend and started jacking the internet bill rates. And now internet costs the same as cable used to cost, or more, depending.
But I don’t think anyone ever did a GenX is Killing Cable TV headline.
I think that’s around the same time I cut the cord. I moved shortly after 9/11 and didn’t see the point in subscribing. I left my (CRT) TV behind too rather than waste space in the truck for it. I haven’t owned a TV since.
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Oh god, I can. Remember TiVo?
I used to have a TiVo
I really miss the TiVo sound effects. And hacking them to add bigger drives.
I remember when they had to get rid of 30-second skip
They really need to pare down the number of channels at this point since they’ve all been bought up by a few companies and all show the exact same shit just at different time slots.
There used to be. Turns out you can make more money with reality TV.
Which reminds me. Reality TV isn’t real.
Only temporarily which is why nobody has cable anymore.
Cable was only good when broadcast TV was the alternative. Today it’s entirely obsolete
This reminds me of people who still cling onto the radio for music when there are objectively better alternatives.
Enshittification time
Because of capitalism. Because all content must drive quarterly profit ever-higher.
Meanwhile, public broadcasting (PBS) is still putting out great content for families regardless of profitability.
Sometimes I can get the weather forecast on The Weather Channel.
But there are letters on ABC.
Checkmate, atheists.
advertising is the most corrosive poison
Yes, they have people I don’t know trying to sell me things I don’t want and can’t afford just so some bigwig could buy a second yacht.