35 today.
Why am I 35 already?
Please stop.
I remember 35. That’s exactly when I started feeling like I was actually in my 30s. Let me tell you, it just keeps going like that, and you’ll only realise how young you are years and years from now. Rinse and repeat.
Close to 30, stopped aging at 22
I’m in my 50s, but in my head I’m still 36.
Listen to John Mayers “Stop this train” and cry lol
“So I play the numbers game to find a way to say that life has just begun.”
Things to know you’re 30
“I wish the odd white one just went with the grain” (white hairs will grow whichever way they please, and it starts with only a few)
“Ah, that’s gonna be my bad knee”
“I don’t know why I have a sore spot there it just comes and goes”
“Dental repairs cost how much?” and suddenly brushing and flossing will be a second hobby
Tinnitus, but not like severe. Just once in awhile and often enough to keep you guessing like once a month or so.
“There was a pop but I don’t know where.”
“Oh my god I’m turning into my parents”
That sudden silence followed by a minutes tinnitus every couple of months is the weirdest thing.
I had sudden tinnitus start in my left ear pulsing a high pitch with my heartbeat. Then slowly a crackling started in my right with its volume based on what I’m hearing. Now Im bombarded with noise every moment of every day. Docs have basically said “welp this is your life now”. The Antidepressants arent cheap either!
Two things helped me: learning not to listen to the “noise” (it’s not truly noise, it’s a kind of nerve damage), and hearing aids. When I first put the aids in the tinnitus vanished. The downside is that all the work I’d put in to not listening was overturned, because I “heard” the sounds again when I took the aids out. Still nice to have that respite though.
Training yourself to not listen to the racket isn’t easy, but it is so worthwhile. Turn your attention away to something else - a smell, a photograph, your pet, anything. Focus away. Just thinking about tinnitus is making it “audible” to me, lol! It’s not real sounds, it’s your poor abused nerve endings firing off random signals. White noise works for a lot of people, but it never has for me.
Visit https://tinnitus.org/ for more info. There’s a download section where you can get a pdf of a scientific paper describing the method.
That sounds horrible!
Big Pharma antidepressants ain’t cheap, grow a little 🍄 yourself
Have you found anything that helps yet? Brown noise? This is also supposed to help: https://trudenta.com/this-simple-trick-may-help-with-tinnitus/
I’ve had tinnitus since I was born, that trick does help, but only for a couple minutes. I just live with at this point, I’ve never had true silence so idk what I’m even missing
Wtf, I thought that was just me. Although it happens less ever since I lost some weight, so my guess is it’s BP related.
Don’t forget that little back pain you had in your teens from when you did that stupid thing? Yeah, gonna hurt forever. It’s gonna hurt worse.
Or knee pain. Fell in an unfortunate way when I was 15 or so. Now I’ve got random intermittent knee pains for no reason.
My dad went over the bars of a dirtbike when he was about 20 and landed hard on his shoulder, but walked it off.
Came back to haunt him with a vengeance last year almost 50 years later, super high pain in that shoulder that took a surgery to go away.
I get that this is tongue in cheek, but seriously, some people are just waiting to die and seem to find joy in tracking how their body is breaking down vs doing something about it.
Body maintenance becomes more and more necessary as you get older. Use it or lose it.
Do strength training on the weakest parts of your body (hips, ankles, knees, shoulder, rotator cuffs, lower back, neck) and you will thank yourself decades later.
Never stop moving.
“I don’t know why I have a sore spot there it just comes and goes”
I have this but I’m 21…
Young people have a left knee and a right knee. Middle aged folks have a good knee and a bad knee. Old folks have a bad knee and a worse one.
My bad knee is now titanium and my good knee has become my bad knee.
From Mad Magazine. You know you’re old when you skip the game highlights and start videotaping painkiller ads.
I must be old because I remember Mad Magazine AND videotapes!
And the biggest surprise: new hair starts to grow out of nowhere in the nose and ears.
I have tinnitus all the time thanks to earbuds. Nobody ever told me it could damage my hearing.
It’s usually on the packaging.
It was in the 90s and early 2000s when I sold photo/video kit.
When you reach 40:
“Fuck. Well, guess I better save for retirement.”
Im 45 with nothing in the bank. I’ll die hard and homeless probably. Real shit. All good though. Today we feast.
Can confirm. When I was 16 I could not imagine being 30 or even older.
Pretending that 30 is old leads to so much unnecessary angst. 30s is more prime time, best to enjoy it!
Truth! I don’t understand a lot of the comments around people’s 30s. Maybe I’m lucky but turning 38 soon, feels physically the same as my 20s except now I have money for fun stuff
I mean that’s contextual, I didn’t have Parkinson’s symptoms at 34 but I do at 35 so for some people it quite literally is all downhill and 30 might honestly be old and that’s ignoring the homeless etc.
Statistically 30 is about half so do with that what you will
Midlife crisis incoming
Lucky you, it seems.
I was raised in cult that told me the world was going to end when I was still a child. I was never supposed to hit teenagerhood, and here I am in my 40s.
The quote the great khaki cuffs,
“I recently realized I probably won’t die young so I can start planning for my future or something, investing wisely, making sure I’m okay”
I hit 30 this month. Damn. I don’t feel too much different than my 20s though.
I never asked to ride the bone train!
haha yes
this is my wife.
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