I feel like most people do not, in fact, watch stock tickers and that most people do actually pay close attention to their ability to make ends meet shrinking by the month.
You’d be surprised, since a lot of people have 401k, IRA, and other automatic investments
If you can afford to contribute to a retirement account, you’re probably not struggling to make ends meet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Normal people can still save for their future. We shouldn’t normalize being able to save a little bit for your future as being wealthy. I’m still struggling to secure a future for myself and the only way i can save that money is by being frugal and making other sacrifices in my life like driving as little as often and meal prepping. A small change to my expenses could eliminate the little bit i save each month.
There’s a difference between being rich and “not struggling”.
Some are company matched or funded entirely, even for minimum wage jobs in the US. But I get your sentiment
Yeah those do exist but they tend to be the exception and not the rule. And anyone working minimum wage is gonna avoid using it because they’re close to starvation a lot of the time. I’ve been there
You say, I feel that, and yet every time another poll about the economy comes out its like I live in a different universe entirely.
They’re not polling your average Joe. Most of the time it’s financial people asking other financial people, and maybe a couple peasants about how they feel about things.
Inflation is the biggest tax on the middle class and poor, its also the most effective one because they dont realize its happening.
Inflation or price gouging?
Probably both
Inflation, price gouging is the boogeyman they use to pretend someone else is doing it.
Sure you don’t have that backwards. Deliberate steps are being taken to push inflation down.
I think CableMonster might be in the neoclassical economics camp, which insists that “inflation” is definitionally “money creation,” that they’re essentially synonyms. They refuse to entertain any other possible explanations for a rise in prices, and that’s why price gouging can’t be a component of inflation and therefore must be a boogeyman.
Im going to risk it and see what their reasoning is.
Strongly believe I would disagree with them as I literally tutor this topic at university level, but let’s see.
I am sure. I can teach you have this works if you truly are curious, but I am not going to argue if you dont understand. The Fed only creates inflation, at best they can create less inflation.
Fuck it, ill bite. I’ll either have something else to consider or a better prepared argument for when someone argues with me next time.
Let’s start with the fact we have 5% inflation in my country, down from ~8% as we push up interest rates and deliberately drive down GDP including to -0.2%.
Oh, and I’m not from the US so fed means nothing.
I believe every country has fiat currency, so you have your version of the fed. Also dont trust the number they give you for inflation, its bullshit.
So in the US, the money is created via the federal revserve and it is done by loaning out money, the only reason inflation rate decreases is that they raise the interest rate so people want less money, so they loan out less money. That money is paid back to the fed, but new money has been made. If you are still interested, I can tell you how this takes away wealth from the poor and middle class.
Yeah. Ask anyone if they know the difference between the real vs. the nominal value of money. If they don’t they probably don’t realize how much they’re being screwed.
Wait till you see people complaining that we are deliberately pushing up interest rates and trying to cause a recession.
The lose their shit.
What is this scene from?
The upcoming Fallout series on Amazon Prime. This is a screencap taken from one of the most recent trailers.
I’m so hype for this.
You poor people need to get over yourselves and admit that the lines on the graph of economic factors that exclude poor people look good. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves, the fact that you aren’t happy about us making money is going to LOSE US THE ELECTION so get serious ok?
The other guy is worse, so we really don’t have to listen to a damn thing you say at all and you have to vote for our guy, get that through your poverty addled brains.
The other guy is worse, so we really don’t have to listen to a damn thing you say at all and you have to vote for our guy, get that through your poverty addled brains.
I mean I hate to say it but this is unironically true. As bad as things are now The Other Guy absolutely would make things worse. Neoliberals may be a scourge but MAGA is cancer. One of the bad cancers. Not even prostate cancer, like pancreatic cancer.
LINE GO UP! This is good for economy! You want line to go up don’t you? If you don’t, you let the communists win
This sounds nice and pithy but it’s exactly what I repeated to conservatives throughout the pandemic.
Cons: “No one around me is dying and we’re all fine. I went to the hospital and it’s empty. What’s the big deal???”
Everyone with half a brain: “You’re talking about anecdotes. What matters is the data and it’s damning. Lots of people are dying.”
To clarify, I mean that this applies to the economy as a whole. Not that everyone does well when the market does.
People here can’t seem to understand sarcasm
Poe’s Law and all that; conservative opinions are nearly universally idiotic enough that it’s hard to tell them apart from parody / sarcasm
Let me leave this here :
The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty – it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality.
― A Simple Path: Mother Teresa
And also money, a poverty of money.
Let me just leave this here
Yup. That’s pretty much the state of it.
The other guy is worse
There are more than 2 options you dork
Unfortunately not because of an even worse version of the worst voting system in democracies: Fucked Past the Post.
I honestly don’t know how America managed to make a worse two party system than the uk
wait until you see the immense disproportionality of the Hungarian voting system. MMP sounds nice, but the implementation makes it possible for our beloved leader to lose the popular vote and win 2/3 of the Parliament. 48% to 67% of seats. Lovely, eh? That was 2014. Unfortunately our demagogue brainwasher has now convinced 54% of voters the last time. And he won the exact same 2/3 sup.majority.
I really wish there was a way to quantify how dumb a country was in terms of its GDP (not the humans being physically less intelligent, just the culture is stupid even when there is abundant money to fund things) because it would be really fun to watch the US and UK keep fighting neck and neck to be in the lead.
It would be like following a sports rivalry between two unstoppable teams, except the unstoppable aspect is how much everything is stopping from falling apart for no good reason.
Yeah the 3rd guy believes the attempted armed insurrection that was televised didn’t really happen and wasn’t armed. And he wants you believe he is anti trump while also telling you Biden is the worse option for democracy. At the same time his leading donor is a major trump supporter and donor. How is Kennedy a 3rd party and not a GOP plant?
Can I nitpick a thing? 01/06 gave me fucking PTSD. I watched for 8-hours that day and can’t watch 60-seconds now. I really can’t. I can barely glance at a picture. Now I truly know what triggered means.
But those animals weren’t “armed” in any sense of the word as we typically understand it. Yes, some had guns “off campus”, but they were too pussy to bring 'em.
Anyway, sorry. I’ll be the last human on Earth to downplay that day.
If they want to start showing out armed? Aight. Not all liberals are gun shy.
Not if you wish to count in the US. A vote cast to some random is a vote that may as well not have happened in a general election. You’re not showing a despite for the 2 party system in the federal general election. The time for that is the off year elections. Successfully get some reps or senators elected, frequently enough, then something may count there. Otherwise, the only real hope for more than 2 choices is to force one of the two parties to collapse.