these archive links are the ONLY way to watch it online, disney buried it.
Buried treasure
Hoskins and Leguizamo were apparently drunk from start to finish.
I watched it a few years ago, and it’s bad, but nowhere near as bad as you’d think.
There’s an interesting fan edit on the web with a bunch of deleted scenes added. I guess Disney came in at the last minute ( like literally a few days before shooting) and butchered the script to make it more kid friendly. The actors and director were understandably pissed and pushed back but Disney always wins. They ended up with all these gritty looking sets and a kind of goofy dialog that just didn’t match.
It’s a bummer because it seems like there were some really cool ideas in the original story.
Got a link by chance?
Yes I think this was it. I had some trouble finding a working version ( it’s been moved a few times since I found it on reddit a few months ago. This one is on internet archive and seems to be working still.
My brothers and I technically “watched” this film in the theater. I think the oldest of us at the time was 12, so the others would have been 9 and 3 at the time. My mother was unimpressed, and I remember it as the movie that would cement the rule that a video game movie will ignore the source material most of the time. Mortal Kombat only reinforced this impression, and I refuse to discuss the “Resident Evil” movies.
I will let you know if my initial distaste of the movie holds up.
Looks like it’s movie night for me! Totally gonna get it up on my computer and enjoy the chaos that is this amazing film!
so… so bad, it’s good?
No, not that far from bad.
Saw the 90s one in theaters as a kid and I loved it. It may have failed the box office and the critics, but it diddnt fail me!
This and Double Dragon
That one was terrible. You’re not aiming for greatness when your big star is the almost mute liquid Terminator guy.
Street Fighter has to be the undisputed king of rubbish 90s videogame movies.
You still REFUSE to accept Raul Julia’s GODHOOD?
undisputed king of rubbish 90s video game movies? for Street Fighter, it was only a Tuesday.
I was a teenager when I saw it and I loved the aesthetic, I loved and still love Bob Hoskins in anything, and the movie had Mojo Nixon in it! Plus, Dennis Hopper gets to chew the scenery. I love it still.
So avant garde and ahead of its time that we still haven’t gotten to the point where it’s actually good
ok, hear me out, watch the super mario movie, then the movie Pest, then Spawn. I bet you’ll think the movie is good.
That is too much leguizamo for anyone to attempt in a single sitting. Know your limits!
Jack Black was really fun as Bowser.
Yes. That Peaches song is overrated though.
Interesting enough, the old Super Mario movie was the premise of the Some More News movie. It’s a little out there and references past episodes of SMN, but when they start landing the references and comparisons, it blows your mind!
First Mario movie is definitely worth a watch. Just don’t be sober.
So…what you’re saying is…trust the fungus?
I loved it as a kid. Next time I see it will either be through beer goggles or nostalgia goggles, or both.
The second one is also fun to watch while not sober. LSD made the rainbow road scenes much more fun.
So shrooms or flowers?
deleted by creator
So if one is false, it overwrites the result of the others. Good to know
And where’s the comparison?
I turned off the new one when they got to the Rainbow Road, can’t say I enjoyed it up to that part but that’s when I felt it was an advertisement not a story
So, The Wizard part 2: Nintendo Boogaloo?
I tried to watch it on a flight recently and didn’t make it through the first repair. I ended up finding something else to watch entirely
What was it an ad for?
It’s really subtle, but there are little ads for all manner of Nintendo products hidden all over the … Super Mario Brothers movie.
Nintendo’s Mario franchise. Zero substance movie.
Not OP btw.
Sonic the Hedgehog, obviously.
Where does Super Hornio Bros fit?
Next to the ark of the covenant in a warehouse.
The events of the new movie wouldnt really have changed if Mario wasnt in it at all.
He learnt that from him brother.
The Boll films were shameless tax schemes, but yeah the mario film was cool.
To be honest, I love both films. Bob Hoskins was the perfect personification of Mario, IMHO. John Leguizamo, not so much, but I still enjoyed his portrayal of Luigi.
“Genociding” isn’t a word.
Verbing weirds language.
everything that people say is a word, and if it’s said enough it ends up in the dictionary. unless you’re editing a professional paper for grammar and spelling there’s no point to be made here. everything people say is a word. you understood what they meant, didn’t you?
I guess the years of learning grammar and being tested on it were waste, then. As long as I can barely glean intent, then its fine.
thenthanitsit’s fine.Sorry, rolled Chaotic Evil on my comment reply alignnment chart.
Thanks for the correction.
See how easy that is?
As long as I can barely glean intent, then its fine.
This sounds like reductio ad absurdum from a monoglot. Try living in a culture where you need a foreign language and you’ll begin to see the levels of nuance in understanding speech.