3 years of updates…
I don’t see it listed as supported by lineage OS. That tells me the bootloader isn’t open.
In fact, when they forgot to lock the bootloader, they fixed it, and said there was a mistake and they will never make the bootloader available.
So yeah, fuck these guys, oh look a consumer first repairable phone that you can’t install software on f*** you (HMD/Nokia)
I would not be angry, except they’re trying to market themselves as consumer friendly, tinker friendly, repairable. So not letting you run software, and only giving you 3 years of updates, is antithetical to that. It’s such a contradiction it’s an insult
I don’t see it listed as supported by lineage OS. That tells me the bootloader isn’t open.
It released one month ago. Even if the bootloader were unlockable, it wouldn’t be officially supported by LineageOS yet. Someone actually needs to buy the phone, build for it and then maintain that build. For a popular custom ROM series like the Pixels or something, sure they will be supported very quickly, but other models often take quite a bit longer to be supported. Most people who buy this phone will not be buying it to immediately install LineageOS.
I agree with what you said. Lineage OS is not the only indicator, but it is a strong indicator. Do you have any evidence that the bootloader is unlocked?
Thanks for this comment.
Sounds very idiotic to say an android phone is repairable, as the main marketing point, and then lock the bootloader. This doesn’t make sense to me, or most others I would presume.
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Well… I bought a Xiaomi (global) phone on a basis of it being unlockable… And after two months of unsuccessful attempts and useless back and forth with their support, I can only say: fuck Xiaomi too.
Yeah, this is such a scummy move by HMD. Allow boot loader unlocking if you are consumer friendly.
Apart from Fairphone there are really no other options. This is like a poor man’s fairphone.
Fairphone is midrange too, but the upper mid range. nowadays 700$US is midrange sadly
Yeah my exact thoughts. Repairable phones are mostly useless if the vendor blobs don’t get updated anymore after x years. Until we have an open ecosystem, as we have on desktop PCs, repairable phones are only good on paper.
The bar is so low, all they have to do is leave the bootloader unlocked, which they’ve done by accident already, and everyone would be happy and give them praise.
I don’t know what they gain by keeping the bootloader locked, maybe somebody thinks it’ll force new phone sales?
Yeah I’ve never had to change phones because I’ve broken my phone they always just stop being supported. Repairability is nice but continued support or a way to a different OS that is supported is much more useful
I am in the same boat right now. I still use a Pixel 4a. It’s a great device, has exactly the size and performance I need, perfect condition but I don’t get updates anymore. It’s insane that in a time where resources get a real problem this is still allowed. If they can’t support it at least force them to open source the software/drivers or something.
My experience with HMD ‘phones’:
- Constant disabling/breaking of Bluetooth/Mobile Data/Wifi
- Bricked after OS update
- A ‘repair software’ that can only be used once (one action per activation), needs to be authorized by CS, can only be activated - and therefore used - x times per day and y times per week/month. It’s also utterly useless, only ‘fixing’ stuff temporarily. And stuff breaks more than the software can be used. That in itself sounds absurd, doesn’t it?
- No unlockable bootloader
- Working together with Etisalat (Arabic Cell Provider), allowing them to install spyware which led to a teenager being endangered by officials and parents tracking him down after he fled due to severe abuse and death sentence
I’ve had two USB C ports fail on HMD phones. I like the hardware, love the vanilla android, like the value, but I’ve never had a USB C port fail on anything else. I know it’s just personal experience but it means I can’t trust getting another again.
I’ve had two USB C ports fail on HMD phones.
Yeah, that’s what got my HMD made, Nokia branded, 7 plus. And from a search at the time this was a common problem
Yeah one was a 7 plus
I had great experiences with Moto phones - also good hardware for relatively cheap, vanilla OS with no additional apps except a few, actually useful, Moto apps.
Yeah I’ve had Motorola phones too but the updates drove me nuts. I’m just on pixel now.
Article also says to root the phone to install custom OS rather than an unlocked bootloader.
Lockd bootloader=dead weight and useless after a couple of years, even if it let you replace CPU RAM by your self and I hate phones with locked bootloader
OS ceasing to get support is what leads to a device becoming obsolete these days rather than the hardware.
Nice to see that other companies are finally trying to make a phone that can actually compete with the fairphone. Still not as repairable as the fairphone though, and its unacceptable to have a locked bootloader.
I mean its great that it is repairable, but not so much if pretty much everything else is a compromise for the MSRP.
This is e-waste
It has Qi2 at least which seems to be impossible for other Android vendors to implement.
Idk what it is worth but I am happy to see more companies competing with Fairphone.
Fairphone: 👁️👄👁️
You’re not getting Samsung or Google software support unless you buy Samsung or Google phone. You can just apply this to pretty much every Android phone that isn’t made by those two.
So basically every phone that isn’t made by Samsung or Google will never be considered to the majority of techies and phone nerds.
Don’t know how it is in the US, but you don’t get any support for Pixel where I live.
Samsung on the other hand is excellent, they even have retail locations.
I fail to understand how that information is essential to the topic at hand. The device could be MAXED OUT on specs, nerds will always cry about software support. And 3 yrs isn’t enough to them.
Now yall can downvote all ya’d like. But you know I’m speaking the truth. There is no amount of hardware that will get American nerds to accept anything less that what Samsung or Google offer for software support.
I can prove this extremely easily. Anyone could.